About Us

Our Mission

At Business Choreography, our mission is to empower experts, educators, and entertainers to create a ripple effect of positive change.

We are committed to making the world a smarter and more intelligent place by helping you share your knowledge, passion, and insight with those who need it most.

Our unique approach choreographs every step of your journey, ensuring that each move you make is purposeful, impactful, and aligned with your vision for a better world.

Our Mission

At Business Choreography, our mission is to empower experts, educators, and entertainers to create a ripple effect of positive change.

We are committed to making the world a smarter and more intelligent place by helping you share your knowledge, passion, and insight with those who need it most.

Our unique approach choreographs every step of your journey, ensuring that each move you make is purposeful, impactful, and aligned with your vision for a better world.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every individual’s expertise can spark a movement, inspire change, and transform lives.

By providing the tools, education, and community support needed to amplify your impact, we aim to create a global network of change-makers who are dedicated to making meaningful and lasting improvements in their communities and beyond.

The Impact We Aim to Create

We believe that even the smallest actions can lead to monumental change.

Our goal is to help you turn your passion into a powerful force for good, reaching more people and creating a legacy of impact.

Whether you’re educating others, leading a movement, or inspiring through your art, we are here to support you in choreographing a journey that resonates with purpose and drives the positive change you seek to create.

The Impact We Aim to Create

We believe that even the smallest actions can lead to monumental change.

Our goal is to help you turn your passion into a powerful force for good, reaching more people and creating a legacy of impact.

Whether you’re educating others, leading a movement, or inspiring through your art, we are here to support you in choreographing a journey that resonates with purpose and drives the positive change you seek to create.

Our Story

Business Choreography was born out of a realization that our unique background as professional ballroom dancers held the key to helping businesses and individuals create something extraordinary. Just as choreography in dance involves taking the best steps, leaving out the missteps, and creating a seamless performance, we saw that the same principles could be applied to building a successful and impactful business.

The idea of Business Choreography emerged after years of trial and error, both in our own ventures and in helping others. We noticed that too many people with incredible ideas were getting lost in the weeds of individual tactics—like creating lead magnets or book funnels—without seeing the bigger picture. They were trying to put together the steps, but without understanding the entire dance, their efforts often fell short.

We knew there was a better way. Drawing from our experience in choreography, we began to see business development as a holistic process, where each element needed to be carefully crafted and integrated into a cohesive whole. It wasn’t just about making one move; it was about orchestrating a full performance that would captivate and impact the audience—whether that audience was a group of customers, a community, or the world at large.

Over time, Business Choreography evolved from helping people with marketing and funnels to guiding them in choreographing their entire business. This shift came from recognizing that, just like in dance, the most successful performances start with a clear vision of the entire show. By understanding the full scope, we could help our clients focus on the right moves at the right time, ensuring that their efforts were not just effective but transformative.

Our journey has been marked by both successes and challenges. We’ve experienced the highs of launching successful initiatives and the lows of setbacks and failures. But through it all, we’ve held onto our core philosophy: to change the world by helping others amplify their impact. We’ve built our own tools, like Choreo Suite, to support this mission, consolidating complex processes into streamlined, effective systems that allow our clients to focus on what they do best.

What drives us is the belief that we can help the right people—the visionaries, the experts, the educators—create a ripple effect of positive change. We’re not the geniuses behind every idea, but we know how to choreograph the steps that will bring those ideas to life. We’ve seen firsthand how our approach has transformed businesses, universities, foundations, and individual coaches, helping them turn their patchwork of efforts into a cohesive, impactful whole.

Looking ahead, our vision is to continue growing Business Choreography, impacting as many people as possible. We know that the power to evolve humanity to the next level lies in the unique ideas and expertise of individuals, and we’re here to help amplify those voices. We’re committed to making the world a smarter, more intelligent place—one well-choreographed step at a time.

Our Team

Michael Johnson

Co-Founder & Visionary

Michael Johnson's journey to founding Business Choreography is as dynamic as his professional background. Starting as a professional ballroom dancer at the age of five, Michael honed his skills on the dance floor, rising through the ranks to become a judge, adjudicator, and examiner. His passion for choreography—the art of taking the best steps and creating a cohesive, impactful performance—naturally extended to the business world.

With experience as the COO of a software company, a certified NLP practitioner, and an author, Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and a visionary approach to Business Choreography. He is deeply driven by a passion for helping others bring their ideas to life and create lasting impact. Michael’s focus is on making the world a better place by empowering experts, educators, and entertainers to amplify their genius and evolve humanity to a higher standard of intelligence and intent.

Outside of work, Michael is an avid golfer, drawn to the mental and physical challenges the sport offers. He also enjoys video games, where strategy and character-building echo the challenges of entrepreneurship. Michael lives by the philosophy of "Every Minute," a concept he embraces fully, believing in the sweet spot of living where one is neither too focused on the past nor the distant future, but fully engaged in the present.

Lexi Ruffell

Co-Founder & Operations Expert

Lexi Ruffell’s professional journey is rooted in leadership and operational excellence. Before co-founding Business Choreography, Lexi managed a successful dance studio and served as the COO of Magic for Life, overseeing operations for both the dance studio and the broader business initiatives. As a co-founder of Marketing Choreography, Lexi demonstrated an exceptional ability to identify and fix the gaps in businesses, ensuring that every aspect runs smoothly.

A championship-level dancer with numerous accolades, Lexi is a seasoned leader who excels at bringing visionary ideas to life. In Business Choreography, Lexi plays a crucial role in transforming intangible ideas into tangible realities. While Michael envisions the future, Lexi is the one who crafts the nuts and bolts of that vision, ensuring that every step is practical, actionable, and aligned with the company’s mission.

Lexi is passionate about helping dreamers realize their potential, and she finds great motivation in bringing people’s ideas to life. She lives by the mantra, "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." Outside of work, Lexi loves the Olympics and follows athletes who perform at their peak. She is also inspired by social influencers who are making a difference in the world, and she dedicates herself to supporting them in their pursuits.

Our Team

Michael Johnson

Co-Founder & Visionary

Michael Johnson's journey to founding Business Choreography is as dynamic as his professional background. Starting as a professional ballroom dancer at the age of five, Michael honed his skills on the dance floor, rising through the ranks to become a judge, adjudicator, and examiner. His passion for choreography—the art of taking the best steps and creating a cohesive, impactful performance—naturally extended to the business world.

With experience as the COO of a software company, a certified NLP practitioner, and an author, Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and a visionary approach to Business Choreography. He is deeply driven by a passion for helping others bring their ideas to life and create lasting impact. Michael’s focus is on making the world a better place by empowering experts, educators, and entertainers to amplify their genius and evolve humanity to a higher standard of intelligence and intent.

Outside of work, Michael is an avid golfer, drawn to the mental and physical challenges the sport offers. He also enjoys video games, where strategy and character-building echo the challenges of entrepreneurship. Michael lives by the philosophy of "Every Minute," a concept he embraces fully, believing in the sweet spot of living where one is neither too focused on the past nor the distant future, but fully engaged in the present.

Lexi Ruffell

Co-Founder & Operations Expert

Lexi Ruffell’s professional journey is rooted in leadership and operational excellence. Before co-founding Business Choreography, Lexi managed a successful dance studio and served as the COO of Magic for Life, overseeing operations for both the dance studio and the broader business initiatives. As a co-founder of Marketing Choreography, Lexi demonstrated an exceptional ability to identify and fix the gaps in businesses, ensuring that every aspect runs smoothly.

A championship-level dancer with numerous accolades, Lexi is a seasoned leader who excels at bringing visionary ideas to life. In Business Choreography, Lexi plays a crucial role in transforming intangible ideas into tangible realities. While Michael envisions the future, Lexi is the one who crafts the nuts and bolts of that vision, ensuring that every step is practical, actionable, and aligned with the company’s mission.

Lexi is passionate about helping dreamers realize their potential, and she finds great motivation in bringing people’s ideas to life. She lives by the mantra, "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." Outside of work, Lexi loves the Olympics and follows athletes who perform at their peak. She is also inspired by social influencers who are making a difference in the world, and she dedicates herself to supporting them in their pursuits.

Our Values

At Business Choreography, our values are the foundation of everything we do. They guide our decisions, shape our culture, and inspire us to empower our clients to create meaningful impact. Here are the core values that drive our work:

  • Impact-Driven Purpose

    We believe that every action, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect of positive change. Our focus is on helping our clients turn their passion and expertise into a force for good, making the world smarter and more intelligent through purposeful, impactful work.

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge

    Knowledge is power, and we are committed to empowering our clients with the tools, strategies, and insights they need to succeed. By sharing our expertise, we help others amplify their impact and create lasting transformations in their communities and beyond.

  • Innovation and Creativity

    Just like in choreography, every move in business should be intentional and inspired. We value creativity and innovation, constantly seeking new ways to help our clients stand out, adapt, and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

  • Integrity and Transparency

    We believe in doing what’s right, even when no one is watching. Our relationships with clients are built on trust, honesty, and transparency. We are committed to delivering on our promises and maintaining the highest standards of integrity in everything we do.

  • Community and Collaboration

    We are stronger together. By fostering a supportive community and encouraging collaboration, we create opportunities for our clients to learn from each other, share their experiences, and work together to achieve greater impact.

  • Passion for Excellence

    We are passionate about what we do, and we strive for excellence in every aspect of our work. Whether we’re choreographing a business strategy or developing a new tool, we aim to deliver the highest quality results that exceed expectations.

  • Lifelong Learning and Growth

    In a world that’s constantly evolving, so must we. We value continuous learning and personal growth, both for ourselves and for our clients. By staying curious and open to new ideas, we ensure that we are always at the forefront of our industry, ready to help our clients navigate their journey with confidence.

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